CBD in Colorado – Learn The 7 Facts You Need to Know Before Purchasing

by | Jul 26, 2021 | CBD Information

Colorado Grown CBD from the beautiful state of Colorado

CBD in Colorado – All The Facts You Need to Know When Purchasing CBD Products



Table of Contents


On the Search for High Potency CBD?


Full Spectrum CBD Products | No Problem


Fancy a CBD Brand that’s Independently Tested


Buying CBD that is locally sourced from Colorado


Hype man, Hype man, Hype man


Quick History of Cannabis Legalization In Colorado


CBD and Hemp Oil What about it?

As cannabis becomes legal for medical and recreational purposes in more and more states, Colorado leads the way. Not only is cannabis legal here, but CBD oil from cannabis and hemp as well, a product that has many health benefits. CBD in Colorado now has very few restrictions and can, thankfully, be purchased legally.

Indeed, the CBD industry is growing fast, thanks mainly to the relief from pain it provides, controlling seizures, and reducing anxiety. As more research is conducted on the health benefits of CBD and researchers discover more applications, this precious natural gift will inevitably become a multi-billion dollar industry.

How Can You Find the best CBD in Colorado with the Highest Potency?


Colorado CBD

The question for many in Colorado is how and where to purchase high-quality CBD oil? Frankly, there are a few good sources online, but also a few things to keep in mind when purchasing. For example:

Look for Full Spectrum CBD Products

The Colorado CBD Product Lineup

Many CBD product makers sell CBD isolate, which, frankly, isn’t nearly as potent, health-wise, as full-spectrum CBD oil. What does full spectrum mean? Simply that the maximum level of phytochemicals is retained in the CBD oil after it’s been extracted.

Full-spectrum extraction aims to remove anything unessential so that, when finished, the ratio of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids remains. Many brands use synthetics in the products, so be aware when purchasing.

Look for a CBD Brand that’s Independently Tested

Here’s a fact; like many plants, hemp and cannabis can sometimes be tainted with fungus, heavy metals, and pesticides, which are obviously unhealthy. That’s why, when searching for CBD in Colorado, you should check to make sure they have their products independently tested. This will also have the plus of letting you know the CBD oil you’re purchasing is organic.

Buying CBD in Colorado Sourced Locally is Your Best Choice

Buying local has always been an excellent financial choice and a good choice for your community and the environment. Less distance when shipping a product substantially reduces the carbon footprint it creates, and the same goes for CBD oil and other CBD products. Besides, what better state than the Centennial State with its fresh air and clean water to purchase your CBD necessities?

Don’t Fall for the Hype

One last quick note about how to find the highest quality CBD in Colorado; don’t let the hype from some brands deceive you. There are a few out there who, for one reason or another, place all sorts of wild claims on their packaging, website, promotional materials, etc.

A Quick History of Cannabis Legalization In Colorado

Colorado Cannabinoids MerchAlthough today Colorado is one of the states leading the way towards full legalization of cannabis and hemp, it hasn’t always been that way. In fact, for almost a century, cannabis was illegal in our state. Below is a brief history of how that changed and when Colorado became America’s leader in legalization:

1917 – Cannabis is outlawed in the state. Using and growing are now both misdemeanor crimes.

1929 – Possessing cannabis is now a felony.

1937 – The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937  criminalizes  the sale of cannabis.

1975 – Possession of small amounts of cannabis is now legal again. (Hooray!)

2000 – Amendment 20 passes into law, making the Centennial State the first in the U.S. to legalize marijuana for medical use in their constitution.

2012 Amendment 64 is passed. Adults 21 and over can now legally possess up to 1 ounce of cannabis for their own, personal use.

What about CBD Oil from Hemp?

The Farm Bill passed in 2018 made hemp a legal, agricultural commodity, which in turn legalized CBD oil made from the plant. However, some cities in Colorado have enacted their own, local laws (which is confusing, to say the least).   For example, in Denver, CBD products sold in stores must be made in the state. It’s not a particularly bad law, but it does reduce your options when purchasing CBD in Colorado. In short, before you purchase, do your due diligence.

Colorado Cannabinoids – Your Best Source of CBD in The Centennial State

If purchasing the highest-quality CBD in Colorado is your goal, Colorado Cannabinoids is your top source. Independently tested, organic, and locally sourced, our CBD products are very highly rated by our customers. We’ve also launched some wonderful new products, strengths, and flavors in 2021, including:

These new products go along with our existing products, of course, including our Peppermint Tincture, a best-seller. We hope today’s blog has been helpful and educational. For all your CBD needs in Colorado, think Colorado Cannabinoids!

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